
This support group is created by patients for patients in the belief that together we can make a difference in the quality of our lives.

Websites and Information that our members like

Dystonia Websites

Bachmann-Strauss Dystonia & Parkinson Foundation

Dystonia Advocacy Network

Dystonia Coalition

Dystonia Medical Research Foundation

National Organization for Rare Disorders

Dystonia Chat Groups

American Dystonia Society Bi-Weekly online support chats

Dystonia Medical Research Foundations Online Support

Patients Like Me

Dystonia research studies

Dystonia Coalition Research

Dystonia Clinical Trials

Dystonia Medical Research Foundation

Other Dystonia Support Groups in Washington

Seattle Support Group

Dystonias - Focal

Blepharospasm, a dystonia affecting the eyes

Benign Essential Bleepharospasm Research Foundation

Blepharospasm clinical research trials

Cervical Dystonia, a dystonia affecting the neck

National Spasmodic Torticollis Assoc.


Dysphonia, a dystonia affecting the vocal cords

National Spasmodic Dysphonia Association

Dystonia Videos

Faces of Dystonia

Publicity about Dystonia in the Media

Megan Sargent, Living with Dystonia by Julie Krug, Spokane Spokesman Review

Denise Gibson, Support for the Silent by JoNel Aleccia, Spokane Spokesman Review

CBS segment about twins with Dystonia

Dilbert Cartoonist and Dystonia, Spokesman Review

The Doctors TV Show (Search dystonia)

Dysphonia - Vocal Concerns, Spokesman Review

Oprah Health show - Dystonia-Dr-Oz-Explains-Causes-and-Symptoms

Oprah Mystery Diagnosis show - Dystonia - Years-of-Pain

Today Show about Dopa Responsive Dystonia Mimicking Cerebral Palsy (Also search dystonia)

Additional Websites & Information that we find interesting

(Some of these are great articles from the Northwest Parkinson's Foundation, but their content might relate to dystonia.)

Bicycling Across America with Dystonia

Kathy Krull - Tales and Tips


The Brain that Changes Itself (for learning more about the brain)

My Stroke of Insight (for learning more about the brain)

Relaxercise (a book for learning gentle exercise)

Total Relaxation (includes a cd for listeningto guided relaxations)

Yoga for Movement Disorders (good for developing a home yoga routine)

Brain Training Programs

Posit Science Research and Brain Training Products


Watch this short Continuous Compression CPR video to learn this life saving technique


Dr. Giroux - Wellness for a Healthier Brain

Sit and Be Fit Exercise Exercise Program (shown M-F at 11:30 in Spokane on KSPS TV)

Waliking using Hiking Poles

Walking Maps - in and around Spokane

Health Care

Affordable Primary Care through Spokane Agencies

Community Health Association of Spokane

Spokane Regional Health District

Home Care

Finding a Good Provider

Massage Therapy

Structural Integration Therapy

Structural Innovations in Spokane

Video (translated) to help you understand why Fascia is important

Finding a Practitioner

Hellerwork Structural Integration

Rolf Guild for Structural Integration

Medical Terms

Glossary of Medical Terms by WeMove.org


Spokane Vipassana Meditation Community with Mary Webster

Mindfulness Meditation with Dori Langevin

Relaxation and Stress Management

St. Luke's Rehab. Inst. Biofeedback/Outpatient Psych

Wild Devine - great web products for relaxation

Seating & Mobility

American Seating & Mobility - Wheelchairs, ramps and more

Kersey-Mobility - Wheelchair Vans & Scooter Lifts

Obus Forn - chair back cushions, back supports and more

Self-Care, a Roadmap

Roadmap to Self Care (written for Parkinson's Patients, but applicable for those of us with Dystonia, too)


The Highly Sensitive Person, by Julie Krug, Spokane Spokesman Review

Therapy - Botulinum Toxin Therapies for dystonia





"This I Believe" by Dr. Bruce Becker

This I Believe by Dr. Bruce Becker - The Life Force Flower

Yoga Instruction

Sunflower Yoga, an Iyengar yoga studio serving Spokane and Spokane Valley

Harmony Yoga

Other Websites of Interest (Not about Dystonia)

Birth Injury Guide

Cerebral Palsy Guide: Helping Children

Cerebral Palsy Symptoms

Cerebral Palsy Group: Free Educational Information and Support


A support group of the Dystonia Medical Research Foundation and the National Spasmodic Torticollis Association.
With thanks to the Dystonia Medical Research Foundation, the National Spasmodic Torticollis Association, as well as St. Lukes Rehabilitation Institute.